In This Blog, you will find all information pertaining to the activities of the Amateur Astronomers Group Peligni.
Our headquarters is located in Roccacasale (AQ) inside the beautiful scenery of the medieval castle architecture recently restored.
Peligni The Amateur Astronomers Group was founded in 2008 by the union of some fans, with the aim to study and disseminate astronomy and the sciences related to it.
Peligni The Amateur Astronomers Group was founded in 2008 by the union of some fans, with the aim to study and disseminate astronomy and the sciences related to it.
Group Activities:
activities that are carried out by our association are as follows: observations of the sky, both with the naked eye or with the aid of tools, DIY tools astronomical astronomy courses for all levels with the participation of famous astronomers and astrophysicists, astronomical tours in Italy, participation in national and collaboration with public and private. With the Amateur Astronomers Association 'F. Angelitti ' of Aielli (AQ), our group organizes an annual series of meetings dedicated to astronomical observation.
courses in astronomy: the universe to everyone.
are held each year specifically for members and for people interested in astronomy. They are suitable for every level of preparation and are conducted by our staff, dealing with theoretical arguments, then detailed with practical tests. Topics covered during the lectures are as follows: astronomy base (where they are provided the principles necessary to start using the astronomical instruments and the ability to move independently among the stars), Astronomy-term (which leads the participant to have a thorough knowledge of our planet , the solar system, stars and celestial mechanics) and then advanced (which provides concepts of cosmology and physics of the Universe). During the courses there are also sections devoted entirely to the history of astronomy and astronautics, electronics applied to astronomy, the self-construction of the optics, meteorology and astronomy current events. Participants will be given printed handouts on the topics covered.
activities that are carried out by our association are as follows: observations of the sky, both with the naked eye or with the aid of tools, DIY tools astronomical astronomy courses for all levels with the participation of famous astronomers and astrophysicists, astronomical tours in Italy, participation in national and collaboration with public and private. With the Amateur Astronomers Association 'F. Angelitti ' of Aielli (AQ), our group organizes an annual series of meetings dedicated to astronomical observation.
courses in astronomy: the universe to everyone.
are held each year specifically for members and for people interested in astronomy. They are suitable for every level of preparation and are conducted by our staff, dealing with theoretical arguments, then detailed with practical tests. Topics covered during the lectures are as follows: astronomy base (where they are provided the principles necessary to start using the astronomical instruments and the ability to move independently among the stars), Astronomy-term (which leads the participant to have a thorough knowledge of our planet , the solar system, stars and celestial mechanics) and then advanced (which provides concepts of cosmology and physics of the Universe). During the courses there are also sections devoted entirely to the history of astronomy and astronautics, electronics applied to astronomy, the self-construction of the optics, meteorology and astronomy current events. Participants will be given printed handouts on the topics covered.
Theoretical courses are held at our head office at the Medieval Castle of Roccacacasale, which, being equipped with whiteboards, video projection system for music and hi-fi, library science, is certainly the ideal place to play in all series of lectures on peace.
The practical part of the telescope, is generally held in September and October, and the boldest in the month of November. The participant can then review the theoretical concepts, experimenting in observing the sky through a telescope, from the courtyard of our home, from the astronomical observatory of Aielli or very favorable from sites in Italy during excursions.
The practical part of the telescope, is generally held in September and October, and the boldest in the month of November. The participant can then review the theoretical concepts, experimenting in observing the sky through a telescope, from the courtyard of our home, from the astronomical observatory of Aielli or very favorable from sites in Italy during excursions.
Peligni The Amateur Astronomers Association, is in the process of forming a group of astronomy enthusiasts, residents in the municipalities of Valle Peligna. Anyone wishing to join this initiative can write to us at mail to us with your details and any phone numbers:
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