Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Api Fungus Care Review

SCI-O Valmaron

last distance light years from opponents!
And to think I had done well as a three-day retreat on cross-country skiing to get some 'confidence with the medium! But then a cross took a bit 'too fast downhill and ...
long finish in the fresh snow. Not bad, at least in appearance. Only a thud, a crash! I wonder what it was!
I get up and watch skiing split in half! Alas, the race is over!
I crawl as I can to make the lanterns before the last finish and close last. By Andrea behind only that with a PM and a broken stick full of Waterloo Panda.
In truth, the trouble starts before that crash, and specifically from an unexpected fatal paper change as I had expected. Arrival in all the way to the finish line, when I come with a new card. I, a little 'stunned, I can not even put a map to the lectern in the sudden done with a clear plastic bag tied around his neck. After a while 'I can settle down and head for the first lantern of the second lap. Here I find myself with the "law" in hand and in a moment of pure black-out shot straight at the lantern 5 and then to 4. Then again ...
What am I doing? From 4 to 3? And the two who made it? Then down at breakneck speed to find the 2, then 3, then 4. Now it seems to me that the numbers come back. And so on, down the hill back towards 5 when ...
... notes ...
... that crash and the race is over! But with a little 'strength of will and scenes from I to finish the race! Why vabbhè Last but not PM ever!
And we hope that this is just an awkward brackets to forget the first race available!


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