Monday, January 4, 2010

Ski Doo Crankshaft Rebuilding


What a mess! What a feast for the PalaTrento 'ITAS Diatec Trentino comeback almost shame the Copra Piacenza to Tie Break. Statement on 8 - September 1 to 5 with just Juantorena who continued to put down the ball in an impressive series of ace. The game, in my view, it is decided according to its brilliance Juantorena on one side and Marshall on the other. When he went off to the Copra there was nothing to do but try to limit the damage.
Throughout the race we felt a festive atmosphere incredible. The first set in the past the curve, with the Ultra, has jeopardized my ears and my head has almost started to turn around because of the noise. Truly a beautiful game! ITAS FORCE!


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