Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Country Has Biggest Bra Sizes


It (It, 1986)

Another masterpiece by Stephen King . In fact, as I said in the past
"betting" is not my favorite book ever
but I would like to emphasize some of the elements peculiar to the First It.
over 1000 pages are read in one go, a thing to me
has never happened with a book just as long. In the story there is a recovery
of sensations related to our childhood, so attentive, so well done that
, albeit in a decidedly American
and rather different from ours, we can not help but empathize with the protagonists
Remarkable is also the concept represented by the enemy, the evil personified
, whose cyclical reappearance, even in the lives of our heroes
, symbolizing perhaps more (I see there the regular
personal crisis that I have somehow hit and forced to grow
). I noticed a paradox, considering the comments of several
friends who read it, is that some have found horrifying
literally, others do not even consider a real book
horror. In my opinion, however, undoubtedly belongs to the genre, but without
want to remove or add anything to a book
quite extraordinary.
A highly recommended reading for everyone.
The TV series, is by It is a little better, perhaps, is that
shadow of Scorpio, but suffers the same flaws. The
actors, in general, have done ordinary recitations, the parties
more "symbolic" of the narrative is made flat and are not very exciting
, only the figure of the clown (who also became a little
in the collective) has a some visual impact.
Kubrick was right, King may not be reproduced verbatim.

Misery (Misery, 1987)
King is in the mood: Misery is also an exceptional book. Except, perhaps, some controversy
you can do on the translation of Cicero
Dobner, but there King has nothing to do. Paul Sheldon, a writer (see
case) has a bad accident (I say "just happens" but it happened the first
of the true King of ) but is rescued by Annie Wilkes,
nurse, his number one fan. "That which has the ass that some people ..."
would say Guccini. Well, you know that King
is a little worried by his fans very, very passionate.
Misery is the heroine of a series of novelettes that have given fame to Sheldon, but these
is determined to change his gender and decided to kill
literary character. Annie Wilkes in the segregherà home
with the aim of bringing to life his favorite heroine
forcing Sheldon to write down what you expect
he should write. As understood from the plot is not that the themes are
so new, but there is such intensity in the conflict between
characters, there is a sort of bitter autopsicanalisi (or simple
irony), there is the classic situation claustrophobic ... in short, to me
really liked a lot.
Two words, well worth even the film which has been taken:
Misery. In my opinion, is one of the best films
Kinghiani, fairly faithful to the novel, I think. Perhaps for the interpretation of
Kathy Bates, perhaps for the good hand of the director, Rob Reiner
, tension is high all the time, like in the movies of Hitchcock
. If today I could not do the book rileggessi less than
associate the face of Kathy Bates' Annie Wilkes.

And now a short list of those who have not read:
Creatures of the Night (The Tommyknockers, 1987)
The Dark Half (The Dark Half, 1989)
Needful Things (Needful Things, 1991)
's Game Gerald (Gerald's Game, 1992)
Rose Madder (Rose Madder, 1995)
The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer (Rose Red), 2002 (written under the
pseudonym Joyce Reardon, says Wikipedia)
Buick 8 (From a Buick 8, 2002)
Cell (Cell, 2006)

> Type Shining film , I downloaded and watched, and I wonder why the
> is a masterpiece, for me there are better films!
> Just Misery and The Green Mile (staying on King), for example,
> for me are much, much more beautiful than The Shining.
> insist tastes :-)

I think so too," the beautiful "is the encounter between those who had something to say
/ show, the artist say, and who benefits from that thing.
This encounter produces something, an emotion, positive or neutral
things artistically" complex "may perhaps
be understood better (this does not necessarily lead to higher use)
with an "explanation" adequate, but it is absurd, in my opinion, to think that after having discussed
and discussed an issue then we are all unbelievably
agree on how to go judged.
For example, do not give much hope to the Betrothed by Manzoni
(dig). :-Pppp

Words sacrosanct. I could spend hours and hours to explain the genius' of
a film like "The Shining", but if you do not like to *****, what's the use?

> For example I do not give much hope to Betrothed Manzoni
> (dig). :-Pppp

As I do not do ' to "The Silence of the Lambs" (pun
reciprocated). :-PPP


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