Monday, April 30, 2007

Funai Sv2000 Dvd Recorder Review

12 11 10

another round Another good book, this time two!

Desperation (Desperation, 1996)
The Avengers (The Regulators, 1996)
I was the first year at university, when I went out and Desperation
Avengers. Two books "parallel" to Stephen King and Richard Bachman,
but the fiction was discovered: Bachman did not exist, had always been
Stephen King.
The covers were beautiful and made a pair with one another
(even just for the covers of issues deserve the purchase
cardboard, where the images are reproduced on top).
I seem to have bought the two books used in street stalls
Po in Turin, I had a lot of money in his pocket, then, but it's something I do often
King was in a sort of stage "experimental" thing was invented now?
This is really two novels intercom, simply
set in two parallel worlds, with some characters
and locations in common.
King's style is much more linear, as we are used to read it.
The story flows well, and is a good old horror healthy, with some
supernatural element.
Bachman's style, however, is a surprise. In fact the real testing
here: this is not the usual Bachman, rather it is a more
King's alter ego, the one who wants to use the characters as cardboard figures
, shaping each other (a sort of game, in short)
and eventually do all to pieces. This is a first experiment partially
metaliterary, but King will be "worse" (better, I mean
) at the end of the saga Dark Tower, by inserting itself
same between the characters. Also plays with the reader, and I must say that it does damn well
since at each step the question arises whether
has really understood what Bachman (?) Meant.
For me it's an experiment succeeded perfectly. Although these are two books I'd read
I know there is a recent film on Desperation, but I have not seen.

Next episode: The Green Mile.


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