Saturday, April 21, 2007

Watching Spiderbabe Movie Online

9 8 7

Another episode of several books, with no particular ties to others (
part two of the Talisman, bound together).

Christine - the infernal machine (Christine, 1983) A book

some so-so. Perhaps no different, stylistically speaking,
from other books of the period, but on behalf
the story is not very engaging. The same goes for the movie: one of my absolute favorites
directors, John Carpenter, struggling with a theme
a little limp, the car "possessed." He wonders, though.

The Talisman (The Talisman, 1984) - written with Peter Straub
Black House - better known as "The Talisman 2: The House of
dark" (The Talisman 2: Black House, 2001), written with Peter Straub

The Talisman is another "atypical fantasy" King of , this time in
couples with Peter Straub. King loved, as written in Danse Macabre -
his essay, Straub's books, especially if I remember correctly
Ghost Story. Oddly together have written a book that most
fantasy horror, but the result is very good. Jack Sawyer, the
young protagonist befriends Wolf, a werewolf
the "Territories", a parallel world. The setting, and other elements,
very reminiscent of the Dark Tower, but the events of the Talisman
take a different direction, the two stories will meet with some
only point of contact. Parallel Worlds, in fact.
Del Talisman I read the old edition of Sperling & Kupfer,
with microscopic characters almost illegible, I recommend the new edition
Black House over many years, and many are
passed to Jack, but the two authors continue to work very well together
. For King is also a difficult time because after the incident
struggling to regain his creativity but Straub is in his
relief, it seems, because even after this, despite the
length, is very nice.

One clue: the full moon (Silver Bullet, 1985)

This book, as told by King in the introduction, was to be
a calendar, illustrated by Bernie Wrightson, with a few phrases of
King , one for each month. Then, because he could not be concise,
phrases became chapters, the chapters formed a short book that eventually became
even a movie. Well, the film is not really a
much, but the book is nice, albeit brief. There are two editions, but
course, I suggest that with illustrations, in color,

The Eyes of the Dragon (The Eyes of the Dragon, 1986)

Another fantasy, this time originating from a King story that
told her children were small. E 'for kids and someone does not like
for this reason. A propane someone like that. I feel a little
in the middle, between the two locations.

Next episode: It.


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